
May I have the definition, please? 

A friendly IN-PERSON competition among local writers*,  hosted by Celeste Ng, in recognition of Banned Books Week and the freedom to read.

May I have the origin, please?

This event comes from the literary social media start-up A Mighty Blaze and the Blaze Writers Project. 

Can you please use the word in a sentence? 

On Wednesday, October 4th, 2023, from 6PM - 9PM, local writers and word nerds will gather at Trinktisch in Belmont, MA to meet new friends, catch up with old ones, eat and drink delicious things, and spell increasingly difficult words in teams of six, while their Spell-o-Rama ticket fees are donated to the Florida Freedom to Read Project in honor of Banned Book Week.

Are there any alternate pronunciations? 

No. Just come and have fun! 

*If you’ve ever written anything creative that wasn’t for a job or a grade, you’re a writer.

Here’s how it will go…

6pm Registered attendees arrive at Trinktisch. Mingle, grab a drink, enjoy some snacks, relax. Each ticket includes one free drink and free appetizers.

7pm. Welcome by event host Celeste Ng.

7:10: Spell-o-Rama! 

In a Spell-o-Rama, participants are placed in teams of six and, over a series of capriciously-organized rounds of different point values, attempt to spell words correctly. Each team will decide on the spelling of the word, but there are no penalties for misspellings, and only one member will write it down and hold it up for evaluation. The judges will attempt to do math and keep accurate track of points. In a hair-raising Final Spell, teams will have the opportunity to bet some or all of their points. 

Confused? We’ll explain the rules that night. Just come. 

8pm: Spell-o-Rama Trophy Presentation

At the end of the Final Spell, the team with the most points will be declared the winners, and each member will receive a trophy. Other Trophy Presentations may include: Best Team Name, Best Middle-School-Spelling-Bee-Throwback-Outfit, and maybe some other surprises… 

8:10pm: More mingling, gloating, kicking ourselves, reliving glory days of spelling bees past, etc. Light apps will be provided.


Can I come just to hang out, or do I have to spell? 

We highly encourage everyone to play, but we will also designate an area for cheerleaders. 

Do I need to bring 5 friends to form a team? 

You may do that, but it is not required! We expect most people will be solo, and have devised a fair and neutral and painless system for forming teams. 

What if I’m a terrible speller? 

The beauty of Spell-o-Rama is that you’re spelling with a team, so you won’t have to live out your recurring nightmare of misspelling “anachronistic” alone on a stage in front of your peers. Spell-o-Rama is collaborative fun! (Or you can come as a cheerleader, but we think you’re going to want to participate).