Hi. And welcome.

Whether you’re a novelist or short story writer, a screenwriter or a podcaster, a poet or a story teller of an entirely different sort, we’re psyched you found us.

Blaze Writers Project is the physical manifestation of Boston-based literary social media start-up A Mighty Blaze. The OG Blaze began in March 2020, just one week into the pandemic, to help writers reach readers virtually. A Mighty Blaze went on to conduct hundreds upon hundreds of author interviews and was covered in the LA Times, The Washington Post, People and The New York Times, among other publications, as one of the most fun and popular literary stories of the last several years. And it’s still going strong. 

Now, A Mighty Blaze is pumped to bring you Blaze Writers Project (BWP).

BWP is meant to usher the ethos of A Mighty Blaze out into the real, 3D world. We’re informal. We’re ambitious. We love community. We are hyper-focused on one thing: helping writers produce and get their projects out into the world.

At BWP, we believe in writers. We believe in hard work. And we believe that in having a kick-ass time from start to finish.

Serious writers. Serious fun.

Subscribe to stay informed, or hit us up any time for more info at blazewritersproject at gmail.com.